Monday, February 13, 2012

Should I install a turbo in my ute or buy a diesel for towing?

I tow a caravan with my ute, a 2006 Rodeo ute with the 3.6 V6 petrol motor.

It tows well with plenty of power, but fuel consumption is quite high. I know that diesels are preferred

as towing vehicles, but what about a turbocharger on my existing engine? Would that improve the efficiency to that of a diesel?Should I install a turbo in my ute or buy a diesel for towing?
Diesel FTW.

Country boy knows whyShould I install a turbo in my ute or buy a diesel for towing?
Don't waste time thinking about a turbocharger installation on a standard gasoline engine. Factory installed turbochargers on gas engines have much heavier duty internal parts. The crankshaft is forged instead of cast steel. Pistons are lower compression forged aluminum rather than cast. Connecting rod material has more nickel and chromium which makes them stronger and harder. You'll need an inner cooler to reduce pressurized intake temperatures. Oil pumps are high volume type. Crankcase capacity is larger. Cooling system radiators have more capacity. If you want a turbocharged gasoline to stay together and live, be prepared to feed it the most expensive high octane fuel you can find.Should I install a turbo in my ute or buy a diesel for towing?
I am not a big fan of diesels. but for towing they have no equal. My work truck (an F350 diesel) gets double the highway mileage of the gasser I had before. A turbo will take a big toll on your engine if you tow with it and will not improve economy.
how a trbo going to give you beter gas milage . it a tow truck not sapose to get get good gas miles buy a desel or charge for milage .like every other tow truck does
  • flyff
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