Pay the fees for towing and storage, and you should get a receipt showing where it was towed from and what the break down of charges is. Then you can show the judge whatever you'd like to show him. They can tell you where it was towed from, but they aren't going to give you the paper work until you pay them.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Can a towing company refused to give you any information or paper work on your car?
My car was park legally on the street and it was towed for abandonment. The car is still impounded as we speak but while in court for the abandonment issue I find out from the judge that the car was actually towed for been abandonment on a private property. I need the towing company paper work to show the judge where the car was parked when it was towed but they keep giving me the run around.Can a towing company refused to give you any information or paper work on your car?
Pay the fees for towing and storage, and you should get a receipt showing where it was towed from and what the break down of charges is. Then you can show the judge whatever you'd like to show him. They can tell you where it was towed from, but they aren't going to give you the paper work until you pay them.minn kota
Pay the fees for towing and storage, and you should get a receipt showing where it was towed from and what the break down of charges is. Then you can show the judge whatever you'd like to show him. They can tell you where it was towed from, but they aren't going to give you the paper work until you pay them.
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