Credible towing companies do a vehicle inventory before towing the car. When you picked up the car, it should have been on or included with the invoice. If the condition of the car doesnt match the inventory sheet, you stand a good chance of being able to take them to court. You would have had to sign off on the invoice agreeing with their inventory sheet. If you didnt inspect the car before signing off on the invoice, then you probably wont have any legal recourse.
Good Luck to you on that. I used to work for a towing company. I know how shady some of them are.
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My car got towed and the towing company messed it up. How can I get them to pay for damages?you will need to take them to small claims court if they wont admit liability.Request Judge Judy!
I would try to find the actual driver that did the tow before going to management and see if there were any unusual circumstances or if any big bumps or similar obstacles were encountered. But be clever and try not to reveal why you want to know. You could also ask your insurance agent for advice.
One thing for sure, are you sure they mess your car up or someone around the Apartment building mess it up and got it towed, also you need to talk to the Manager to see if he or she saw the damage before it got towed.
You cant really sue them without hard evidence they mess up your car. and dont go with the local news. tell them that you want your car fixed, if they refuse then beats meMy car got towed and the towing company messed it up. How can I get them to pay for damages?
Take it to a mechanic to confirm that the damage could have been/was caused by towing.
This would be a matter for small claims court. Here's advice from one state--you could google your state for further info:鈥?/a>
Take them to small claims court make sure you get your ducks in a row!
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