Monday, February 6, 2012

Bully Dog/American Pit Bull Owners I need some good suggestions?

First of all, please know that I have an excellent APBT. She is well trained, socialized, exercised, loving dog. Now, I have 7 other dogs of my own. And I foster. There is NO problem with any foster dogs or any of my other dogs except for my 6 year old Dachshund.

Colter (my Dachshund) is true to his breed. He is a predator and he fights. All of my other dogs will not fight.

Launi, since we have had her at 3 months, has an "issue" with just Colter. They have gotten into many fights. Since Colter will fight to the death, Launi fights.

In the past Launi is the one who has ended up with the most puncture wounds. Colter has only had one in all the fights.

Lately, everything has been wonderful. Launi and Colter have been getting along fine. Except for the last couple of days.

I have a Lab mix (40 pounds) female who I rescued. She is here in my home and doing wonderful with training etc. Brandi and Launi play very rough (normal) and have a lot of fun.

If Colter happens to just "pass by", Launi attacks.

Today they got into it. Launi had Colter by the neck. She was NOT

biting hard enough to leave any wounds but was cutting off his trachea.

It took me, my daughter and my husband to get Launi to release. Colter was turning blue and had defecated. Launi was choking him to death.

This problem is one my whole household is working on. I just want to know if ANYONE knows how to get a Pit's jaws off another dog?!!!!

My husband could not budge them. She simply would not let go.

The only thing that made her stop was when I popped her on the butt with a rolled up magazine. I do NOT hit my dogs with my hands or an object but I was desperate. She was killing my Dachshund!

I want to make it clear she has never attacked any other dog. She has never attacked any foster dog. Just Colter.

I need some insight on how to break her hold. As far as the 'attacking' problem, I am on that but in the meantime I need some help.

Colter is fine. I called my vet and took him in.Bully Dog/American Pit Bull Owners I need some good suggestions?
a break stick- that's the only way you can reliably do it without getting bitten.

although, in a case like this, if a fight were to happen at my home, i wouldn't hesitate to leave some bruises.... we no longer have fights.

i can't stand dachshunds for this reason. my m-i-l has one that she's literally corrected HUNDREDS of times-i mean REALLY corrected- and he still goes for a select few dogs...even after going through classes, and being trained... i honestly think that some of them are just too stupid to learn to respect anyone- no matter how "tenacious" a breed can be- they should at least be able to be trained to listen to their master... but i really don't think some dachshunds are capable!

sorry.... after years of dealing with them- they never "grew" on me- quite the opposite, actually.

the bottom line is, Launi has gotten tired of him. it's not going to stop now- not unlelss you watch the two of them 24/7 and keep leashes and slip collars on them and literally pick them up off their feet as soon as one starts going for the other. APBT and other bully breeds are really smart. and they'll remember one person or one dog who has pushed them over the edge- and they'll never forget.

you need to keep these two separated now- permanently. there will come a time when you'll be too late with the break stick. don't let Launi's sweet nature fool you- if she feels like it, she'll bite that little dog clean in half.

ADD::::::::::: CASSIE- getting in the middle of a dogfight like that is just STUPID. grabbing scruffs, kneeing, etc. puts you at the front of the action. and don't think for a second that an enraged dog is going to make a distinction between you and another dog. so far, you've been LUCKY. don't push your luck though- it may certainly run out. "i'd rather lose an arm"

screw that. sorry- but if i couldn't prevent it- or handle my dogs, i'd rehome one, or shoot one before i lose an arm!


everyone here knows i've got 3 APBT and 2 junkyard dogs.... fights RARELY break out in my house- because my dogs view me as the boss, and yes, they also fear me. they know that there are SERIOUS consequences for fighting. my APBT's, which i raised, socialized, and trained personally, never fight with each other (although they ARE game to dogs they do not know, or dogs that they are not introduced to by me)

however, the junkyard boys are a different story. i did not raise them- i got them secondhand- and my partner had done little in the way of pack leadership with them. as a result, there were serious issues between them. they were dominant, unruly, and altogether NOT socially acceptable.

i have them trained now, but would not hesitate to do WHATEVER it takes to break up a fight, were it to happen- these dogs are 100 and 135 lbs, respectively, and could easily kill each other. once, when they first moved in with me, i used a chair to break them up- i stuck the metal leg in one's mouth, and blocked the other with the back of the chair.
When reading my Bull Terrier book, to break up a dog fight, you should get the dog by the hind legs are lift them, and the dog will release. I personally don't know if it works or not, but its a suggestion, good luck!Bully Dog/American Pit Bull Owners I need some good suggestions?
A break stick. Its a piece of hard wood or plastic and its shaped a bit like a door wedge and you push it in behind the back teeth and lever the mouth open.
invest in a stick.. to pry open the dogs mouth. i believe they are called "break sticks" Dog/American Pit Bull Owners I need some good suggestions?
a breaking stiick put it in her mouth to get her to loosen her grip but I would get it under control because pit bulls are real easy to fight other dogs which can pose for bigger problems later
A break stick is what the old dogmen sued to cause the dog to release the bite. The IDF uses Malinois that are not trained in the release command and they use a metal object, like a pipe, that they put in the back of the dog's mouth and pry it open in 2 seconds.

You could also use the break stick and if she does not release in 2 seconds, shove it in her throat causing her to gag, she will open her mouth then, I promise.

That is simple to fix, what is not so simple is the fact that these 2 dogs cannot live together anymore or one of them will end up dead.


Here is how it works in the real world in Israel on an IDF dog.
Water. If a PB feel like it is going to choke it will release. I know it sounds bad but if you can get water in its mouth it will let go. This is the only sure way i know of to make a pit "unlock", a water hose if you have one near by would work the best. Or you can just poor a cup of water around its mouth and get as much water as you can in the dogs mouth.

Hope that helps.
a breaker stick to pry her hold and then to stop them fighting maybe a muzzle?

My Bulldog tends not to bite. He is to fat and lazy (: he wouldnt hurt a fly unless he farted :/

Maybe you could take Colter and Launi to a dog specialist. Introduce them to one another where there is no other dogs they could protect. If they continue to fight, muzzle them both and take them for walks to get used to sozializing together on there own, then generally bring the odd foster dog so they can sozialize in a group without fighting.
Ceaser says you can push a dogs outer lip area up under the dogs teeth to make the dog let go. I can honestly say, I never tried it. But I suggest you keep that dog separated until you can get aggression training for it.
I've dealt with many-a-story just like yours.

As far as prying the jaws, it seems you have received enough insight on that.

Owning multiple dogs can be a chore, I know. :)

And I'm aware that you are experienced with taking care of a multiple dog household. Congrats for your compassion and dedication to fostering.

I just want to say, despite the opinions of others, that it is not going to get any better with the fighting. If these two have established this kind of behavior with one another, nothing, not even praying, is going to override the instinct of a dog. For what ever reason, these two just don't get along. And since they've been in multiple fights, you should be well aware of the consequences. And it only takes just 1 time for it to be fatal. Denial of the situation is what gets the owner into trouble. Please either try to find one of the animals another home or keep them separated.

However, separation takes commitment and consistency. I've dealt with an owner who attempted to keep the dogs separated, but eventually they ran into one another and the owners elected to euthanize the instigator....the other one we attempted to treat, but the wounds were just too severe. Sadly, the other pet didn't make it either.

Just be able to realize that trying to work it out isn't always in the best interest of the animals or you....Be careful when breaking up a fight! Always know that there is a high chance you'll be bitten. Dogs are not concerned about you while in the mist of doing so. Dog bites are NASTY and always require antibiotics.

Good luck....I'm sorry you have such a handful right now!
I know this may seem bad, but its the only thing I can think of. Dog fighters use bits of wood that has been filed on the end to pry the dogs apart. I know this because I saw it on a special on dog fighting horrors. Pepper spray won't work I know that for sure.

I think its best that you keep those two apart.
This is what works for me my female pitt(honey) is a little aggressive everything belongs to hers(she is stingy) and my female pom(jodie) is very momma like to our male pit (kd)so when honey and kd are play fighting jodie will jump at honey and start a fight honey has pinned her down a few times breaking the skin .the vet said when this happens there is a spot under the tail by her hiney that you apply pressure and pull at the same time and this causes a reaction of them letting does work but there have been times when honey has had enough of jodie being possive of her man(lol) and she doesnt let go for nothing the bully breed is VERY hardheaded. i also do a water bottle she doesnt like the stream aimed at her face. you can try a break stick i personally have never used it so i cant comment on it but i heard it works from friends.


I have had to get in between my girls many times before (until I started praying to god to stop the fighting for good)

and I really do have to get in there

I've had to knee my great dane in the chest

grab the scruff of her neck and pull her out

I've had to dump ice cold water on them

my boss (dog trainer) told me I could get hurt, I responded with 'I would rather lose an arm than have my dogs kill eachother'

honestly, if you are religious-pray to god and ask him to stop their fighting

ADD: for both of their safety, you should keep them separated

maybe even re-home one
Personally, I would use a break stick to stop a fight between a bully breed and another dog, but there are other ways.

One way I found out how to stop a bully breed from attacking another dog is holding them by the neck, that way they cannot do any serious, major damage. If you pull them apart, there is going to be more damage. It is quite hard to explain this in writing..
I know from MY experience, PITS hate water, when I worked a my local VET clinic, we would always spray them with the hose %26amp; they would stop, but this is what worked for me, it may not work in your situation, in the house it would be hard to use the hose....
The best way to get two dogs apart is definitely with wood, but if you're alone chances are they WILL go back at each other once they're released.

I strongly suggest never EVER leaving these two alone together, or even THINKING about being alone with them. You will never live peaceably with the two unless you seek help for the Dachshund.

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