Monday, February 13, 2012

Is driving a truck mid October towing a car through the Rockies going to be okay?

Moving across the country and have to travel mid October with a 10ft truck towing a small car through grand junction to Denver. Any advice?Is driving a truck mid October towing a car through the Rockies going to be okay?
Keep an eye on the weather for now until you go, in fact you can probably set up something with the weather channel both online and on the phone. I had family in denver years ago and normally there is not a whole lot of big snow storms much before christmas, The last time I was there in 84 i had bought a 3/4 ton dodge powerwagon long bed 4x4 and got caught christmas eve in the biggest storm in 60 years.At one point it was so bad it was illegal to drive and all the highways were shut down. Closed stapleton airport the whole 9 yards. since denver is a mile high the weather can change fast there in winter. By watching the weather channel and keeping an eye on the ten day forecasts you will get an idea of any temprature change , and the main thing you dont want is a snow storm.

watch the weather and the temp at nights as long as its not down in the freezing levels you should have no problems. Keep in mind because of the altitude the truck may feel kind of gutless. take your time, shift down a gear if necessary and have a safe trip.
  • national tire and battery
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