Monday, February 6, 2012

Does anyone know what an American -Bully- Compressor is? Is it some sort of hybred dog? just wondering a frien?

Does anyone know what an American -Bully- Compressor is? Is it some sort of hybred dog? just wondering a friend of mines bought one of these new breed of dogs and its very goodlooking and has all sorts of patterns on its coat very unusual looking animal but very obedient. Im just wondering if any one has seen this type of dog or has any experience with them as a pet? I am thinking of buying one!Does anyone know what an American -Bully- Compressor is? Is it some sort of hybred dog? just wondering a frien?
The American Compressor or American "Bully" Compressor is a newer Hybred of dog and the merle color is just a color it may come in. Alot of different breeds come in merel colors not just some pitbulls. I have seen the youtubes of the dog and it is actually not a bad looking Bully it is actually very unique in its own way. I would love to own a dog of this nature and color pattern to say the lease.... Go American Bully Owners!! Great looking dog in my opinion!!! Who cares about the haterz let them hate!!Does anyone know what an American -Bully- Compressor is? Is it some sort of hybred dog? just wondering a frien?
You asked this 6 hours ago and got numerous answers to tell you what you need to know.

It's just another "new" name slapped on poorly bred pit bulls to make them sound cooler.

It's marketing to get idiots who know very little about dog breeding and dog quality to buy their dogs.

It's a Merle APBT. Nothing more than that. And since merle is not an allowed colour in the breed, only a bad breeder would breed a dog with such colours.

The thought by many responsible APBT folks is that most of the new merle dogs are Catahoula or Great Dane mutts.
  • jayco
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